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Phlebological Centre Antwerp

Medical center for varicose vein disease in Antwerp

Welcome to the Phlebological Center Antwerp

This website is intended to offer you, the patient, a simple way to understand a little more about the condition for which you come to see us for treatment, namely phlebological disorders resulting from varicose vein pathology.


Phlebology is a medical discipline dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of veins and lymphatic vessels.


Here we address common questions we picked up from our patients about varicose veins during our consultation hours. Varicose veins need not always to be visible to give signs of disease. For example, abnormal skin discoloration or swelling may be an indication of deeper varicose vein disease. Neither do varicose veins have to present symptoms to constitute an indication for treatment. Prevention of varicose vein complications is very important and "better than cure. Unsightly varicose veins can also be a psychological nuisance for some, and can be avoided quite easily with appropriate treatment. We use the latest laser equipment for this purpose.

More information or make an appointment?

Would you like more information about our different varicose vein treatments? In the intake interview we will gladly tell you more about our possibilities. Please make an appointment with us directly or leave your phone number. We then will call you back as soon as possible to fix an appointment.

We give you some advice to make the treatment of varicose veins in all its forms more effective.

Here you will find simple exercises to stimulate venous circulation and prevent bothersome symptoms of varicose veins.

We have tried to present here all information on varicose veins as completely as possible. If you might still have questions, we will be glad to answer them.

Our mission

Our concern is to treat you as well and as quickly as possible

Our concern is to treat you as well and as quickly as possible

Phlebological Centre Antwerp was established in Antwerp in 1993 as an extramural clinic for the treatment of varicose vein pathology.


Our Centre offers this specialized medical quality care by working with properly trained staff, according to the guidelines of recent scientific research (evidence based) and with the appropriate technological support. We also wish to integrate the care offered with the personal needs of the patient and his environment in such a way that efficiency and patient-friendliness are not compromised by this humane approach.


The Centre collaborates with both extra- and intramural medical and paramedical health professionals from the patient's environment, ensuring optimal care continuity.

Contact us for more information!
Contact us


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Only by appointment!

Frankrijklei 86C, 2000 Antwerpen

03 231 30 65


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