Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)
EndoVenous Laser Treatment or EVLB is a revolutionary and the most modern technique, whose success rate is above 95%. Through ultrasound, we visualise your vein. Using a needle puncture, the doctor inserts a fibre-optic wire into the blood vessel and seals it by laser energy. Heat from the laser light is delivered to the inner wall of the vein, cauterising it. The resulting fibrous strand is gradually digested by the body.
The Phlebology Centre applies so-called tumescent anaesthesia (TA) to reduce pain during surgery. TA has both anaesthetic and cooling effects. By cooling and local anaesthesia, the procedure is virtually painless. Anaesthesia, an epidural and/or hospitalisation is therefore not necessary and the patient can leave the outpatient clinic immediately.
In the rare cases when we do not succeed in treating you with the Endolaser (e.g. due to too tortuous veins), we can immediately switch to the classic "stripping" operation. This way, you will not have to undergo surgery a second time.
After surgery or endolaser treatment, the phlebologist can, if necessary, treat the remaining small veins with sclerosing injections.
The patient can go home immediately, so no hospitalisation required.
The patient can often return to work immediately.
No general anaesthesia or epidural.
No stitches (so no scars).
Short- and long-term results prove statistically significantly better than with classic "stripping" surgery.